Spotlight Media: Why do companies want to promote press releases, and what are the advantages of press releases?


Many companies want to do advertisment promotion on the Internet, but don’t know where to start. This article, Spotlight Media, will give you an in-depth understanding of corporate advocacy promotion and how to do brand advert marketing.

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What is soft text promotion?

What is advertisment promotion is believed to be very unfamiliar to most Internet users. It can be said that 80% of the information you see on the Internet contains some promotional information.

What are the advantages of advocacy?

The promotion of soft articles has always been favored by enterprises, and the advantages can be summarized as the following 3 points:

1. Low cost : Compared with the advertising investment of thousands or tens of thousands of bidding information flow, ordinary enterprises simply cannot afford such high publicity expenses. The threshold for soft article promotion is extremely low, and it truly realizes a small investment and a large return for the enterprise. The following figure can be seen intuitively, when you search for media releases, the light spot media will appear on the homepage with the latest relevant information, which is equivalent to advertising on the Baidu homepage for free.

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2. Long time : Another advantage of advocacy is that information is retained for a long time. A good advert can be retained on the Internet for many years and endure for a long time. Once the bidding and information flow stop, there will be no traffic, and the traffic of advertisment promotion is continuous. Allow users to search for your business information on the Internet anytime and anywhere.

3 Wide audience : Search engines have a high degree of trust for Internet users. When you encounter something you don’t understand or want to know about a company, your first reaction is to search on the search engine. When there is enough positive information, there will be an invisible brand promotion for the audience and user psychology, which cannot be achieved by other advertisements.

The above three points are the reasons why Spot Media recommends that companies must do press releases. Spot Media has tens of thousands of high-quality media resources, first-hand channels, full resources, low price and good collection. Lightpoint Media builds a professional media marketing service platform in the form of media resources + communication strategies + technical services, making corporate brand communication simpler and more efficient!

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