How to get started with Python?


As a person who has been self-taught python for 3 years, I have completely experienced starting from 0 basics (university is a design major) to enjoy the benefits of learning python. When others are still struggling to find information on the Internet, they can directly code As soon as you knock, the data will be settled naturally; grabbing tickets and grabbing things is one step ahead, so don’t be too cool!

Of course, in addition to these daily benefits, money is the most important thing. The salary has also doubled from the previous 4K+ to 8K+.

If you don’t learn such an easy-to-use skill, hurry up. In fact, you can get started quickly with 0 basic skills, and it’s not as difficult as you think.

I also learned from my classmates that the programming prospects are good, and then he also recommended python to me, saying that this is easy to use and cost-effective jobs are easy to find, at least for the future.

So I started looking for information on the Internet to find out how to get started, what learning materials and courses I need.

After studying for a period of time, I found that it is impossible to master a new skill by myself. If I don’t bring it, the learning effect is very poor. For some problems, I can’t solve it by myself. I even wanted to give up at that time.

Fortunately, I also spent some time, wandering around various forums, and finally found a python study that suits me, and I persevered, so I also share the Python courses and materials I learned before with you. , I hope everyone can gain something!

  1. Have a clear goal

For zero-based students, it is necessary to clarify whether you are learning Python just to satisfy curiosity? Or do you have work needs, such as the need for office automation and the need to change careers.

Different goals, the selected learning content and the corresponding learning methods will be different. For example, if you are just curious, you don’t need to learn the knowledge of Pvthon systematically. You can simply understand and make some small cases that can satisfy your curiosity according to the teacher’s operation. But if it is the need of the work, it needs to lay a solid foundation.

Therefore, it is very important to think clearly about why you are studying when you decide to study on your own.

  1. Select content

Python Basics

For zero-based students, if you want to meet the needs of using Python, you need to systematically learn from the basic knowledge of Python.

Python module

Generally speaking, the following modules are commonly used in Python:

1) Web crawler

Crawler technology is a powerful tool for data collection, and it is very useful as a data provider in the era of big data. Using Python can improve the accuracy and speed of data capture. The Python entry crawler is relatively simple, because it does not need to master too much basic and underlying knowledge at the beginning, and it can quickly get started, and it can produce results quickly, which is very suitable for students without programming foundation.

2) Data analysis

Now, in the era of big data, data analysis is particularly important. Pvthon is more efficient than Java in data analysis.

Python’s complete ecological environment is very conducive to data analysis and processing. For example, distributed computing, data visualization, database operations, etc. required for “big data” analysis can be completed through very mature modules in Python.

3) Artificial Intelligence

The field of artificial intelligence has been very popular in recent years. Many AI algorithms and frameworks are developed based on Pvthon, and related applications have been integrated into our lives, such as face recognition and voice assistants. But at present, jobs in artificial intelligence are more demanding on education (graduate) and mathematics.

4) Python web development

The websites we usually use, such as Douban,, and Zhiping, are all developed in Python, and the development prospects of web-side development in China are also very good, because Python’s web development framework is the biggest advantage. It only takes a few lines of code to build a simple website in Python, which is very efficient.

5) Automated testing

Python also occupies a large market share in the field of automated testing, because Python can directly call many powerful third-party libraries to meet interface testing, unit testing, performance testing and other testing needs. Students who find various bugs for the software.

Of course, there are other applications, which will not be repeated here. If necessary, you can search for relevant resources on the Internet to view.

3 Organize resources

Due to the large number of network resources, to prevent you from getting lost in the resources, I have organized some useful learning resources for you here and open courses of Dachang. For some novices, there is no installation environment, let alone where to learn python. The materials and notes here include the basic courses of Python download and installation. It is very easy to use. There will be specific operation tips. It is much easier to follow the video step by step. There are also some important public courses on the learning roadmap and basic learning. is free!

  1. Focus on practice

To do more with less study, proper study method is the key to success. The best way to learn programming is to practice, practice, practice, there are no shortcuts.

My suggested learning process is: understanding knowledge - programming practice - summarizing and reflecting.

That is, first follow the video or the content in the textbook to understand the knowledge, and then write code, run the program, and debug in the Python environment

code. Find and solve problems through practice, and then deepen the understanding of the program until proficient.

In the process of learning, we must also learn to make good use of tools and use skillful energy.

  1. Learn to share

The best way to test whether you have mastered the knowledge is to share it.

It is very good to have a professional guidance on the python learning route. Through learning, you can examine your own shortcomings in the collision of ideas, absorb the strengths of others, and then learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses, really get Python, and use Python for your own use.

Okay, so much has been said, it’s all about citing jade. I hope you can determine your goals, choose the right content, make a plan, practice a lot, share a lot, make a plan that suits you best, and then implement it step by step. If you can keep doing this, you can definitely learn Python well.

Finally, share a sentence, the more painful things are, the more they can force you to grow. The uphill road is difficult to walk, but the downhill road is comfortable. After clenching your teeth and reaching the top, you will clap your hands and say: Huo, that’s all.

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