Can the floor that has been used for many years be removed before renovation and put on again after renovation?


Today, I will continue to answer the owner’s question. The owner asked, the house is going to be renovated, and the floor is covered with floors. At that time, the floor was very expensive and well maintained. I want to move in as soon as possible after finishing the decoration. Use, ask is this possible?

There are quite a few owners who have this kind of demand. Yesterday, another owner communicated with me about the renovation. He said that the floor on the ground did not want to move at first, but the walls needed to be completely reprocessed. In order to prevent water spraying on the walls. , I soaked the floor, so I also want to remove it first, and then lay it on later.

It is theoretically feasible to remove the old floor and re-lay it, but it is risky from a practical point of view.

There are card slots between the floor and the floor. The thickness of the card slot is generally only 13 of the floor. During long-term use, it is inevitable to get some water on the floor. Store a little water in some places, so that over the years, some floor card slots have been soaked in water.

Now they are laid on the ground, and they are intertwined with each other, and there is no drop. Once removed, it may cause a certain position of the floor to fall, and the original complete effect will not appear when it is laid on the ground. .

There is also a possibility that the card slot may also be damaged in the process of dismantling. This is not caused by the master, but the natural aging of the floor. In our old saying, the wood is boring.

Then there is the whole house demolishing the floor, and the first piece to be demolished is very likely to be damaged.

To sum up, removing the floor may damage the original floor, and the floor has passed for many years, and the same cannot be bought on the market. Generally impossible.

For owners who have such needs, I generally recommend dismantling them as completely as possible, but be prepared. In case the effect of dismantling is not satisfactory, you can take out a certain space in the house and lay other types of floors. , The original floor is concentrated in the remaining space, and the selected floor is used to ensure the effect of paving.

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