Bao Zheng: The Application of the Internet


This isThe 2927th day I met you


After the separation of supply and demand, the resulting divergence between supply and demand has plagued the industrial society for a long time. The application of the Internet will bring opportunities to the industrial society and its enterprises, and fundamentally solve the problem of supply and demand integration. This is the historical trend of Internet applications.

——Comment from Teacher Bao Zheng’s circle of friends on May 2, 2021

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Enterprise and its management theory

Internet applications

The experience of the Mayo Clinic tells us that in an enterprise with workers who “do things” as the main body, it is necessary to turn to a humanistic mode of production. Including changing the nature of the enterprise, making the enterprise community. Thus relying on the knowledge system and management system, a complex value creation system is formed.

Any company that cannot complete this process will have little chance of surviving in the Internet age. Some experts and scholars say that the Internet is just a tool. However, just like when the steam engine was invented, few people know and believe that it is a driving force that drives the development of industrial society. The Internet is not only a tool, but also a driving force, a driving force for the development of the industrial society.

In the era of Internet architecture, the reason why the connection software in the virtual world can quickly become a social platform in the real world is that this software connects not the number of users, but people with free will, demands and energy.

Since industrialization, people’s life and work have been separated for too long, the relationship between people has been separated by departments and positions, or processes and positions for too long, and the exchanges of hearts and ideas between people have been separated for too long. This software connects people’s hearts and forms a growing energy aggregate, which burns like the sun and continues to aggregate.

This has also made a company with this type of social software quickly become an Internet company, and the social software has become a hyperlinker.

For businesses, suppliers and demanders have been separated for far too long. After the separation of supply and demand, it leads to a divergence of supply and demand. The divergence between supply and demand makes both suppliers and demanders feel entangled, confused and uneasy. Especially when the relationship between suppliers and demanders is expressed in the form of products, things are even more so, and they suffer greatly from each other. It is manifested as the failure of the market mechanism and the structural imbalance between supply and demand.

Enterprises can use the Internet and this super connector to extend the composite system of knowledge and management to the demand chain, establish contact with consumers who live in digital, and gradually form a relationship system integrating supply and demand in the process of two-way exchange of knowledge.

The relationship between supply and demand can also be completely reversed, and companies can stand on the consumer’s side, contribute to their lifestyles, and form lifestyle-based brands in specific consumer groups or communities.

Enterprises have many social resources, such as talents, assets, capital, technology, knowledge, relationships, etc., and can provide products, services and various life experiences according to the needs of digital living people in the community.

Without the super connector of the Internet, it is difficult for enterprises to establish direct communication relationships with thousands of households, and it is difficult to extend the tentacles of business activities into consumers’ lifestyles.

Using the Internet, Xiaomi has successfully established a relationship of interdependence and interaction with Mi Fan, and built a relationship system integrating supply and demand. People call this a tribe or community. With frequent exchanges and online and offline activities, a common consciousness has been formed between them. Tribes and communities will become an organic whole of “life-like bodies”, that is, a community. Today, the population of Xiaomi Community has exceeded 100 million.

The relationship between Xiaomi and the consumer community is getting closer and closer. In many aspects, the exchanges are intertwined, supply and demand are intertwined. Xiaomi has opened the concept development of new products to the consumer community, attracting more rice fans or enthusiasts to participate in joint development and common choices.

This is the universal principle of communication in human society, adults achieve self. With its own resources and knowledge system, Xiaomi has formed development projects and plans to achieve the pursuit of products and life for Mi Fans and enthusiasts. Rice fans or enthusiasts responded positively and contributed their knowledge and strength to the development projects and plans. Provide opinions and suggestions for product and project ideas in a community sense. Or for the product or project to obtain excellent performance in the market, to carry out voluntary promotion and sales, and so on.

This is a community business method following the deep distribution method. This not only makes the company closer to consumers, but also reverses the value chain within the company and points to the digital survival population and their lifestyles, the so-called market demand orientation. Moreover, the knowledge system of the enterprise is based on the relationship system of supply and demand integration, and information and knowledge can be obtained directly from the lifestyle of consumers.

In connection with this, the interior of the enterprise will be further de-administered. The traditional administrative departments, such as finance, personnel, logistics, legal affairs, taxation, information, etc., will become one by one with intelligence. plugin.

In the process of de-administration, the staff departments of those business systems, such as investigation and research departments, will be replaced by departments of data analysis, and departments of planning and formulating programs.

Business departments in the value creation process form a series of functional teams, which rely on the Internet to connect with each other, and form a value creation system with a network structure.

The characteristics of the Internet sharing economy are not shared bicycles or shared houses. It’s about sharing people’s brains, sharing knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, the value creation system of the network structure connects not only the internal functional teams, but also a large number of external functional teams.

In Western society, those high-end knowledge workers have formed their own professional functional teams under the concept of “life-oriented entrepreneurship” to serve various social institutions. Drucker foresaw this long ago, thinking that high-level intellectuals are the resources of society and do not belong to a specific organization. This is all the more so given that in the internet age, work and life will reintegrate and work will become a part of life. One car company advertised just like that, work was a hobby. The real top experts are players.

In the future, there will be two trends. Enterprises will be community-based, and corporate management will be marketing-based. Correspondingly, the external communities that enterprises are connected to will also be community-based, and the marketing of communities will be managed.

At that time, enterprises and consumer communities will form a relationship system integrating supply and demand. Supporting the operation of this system is marketing management, or managed marketing. The essence is the composite system of knowledge and management, which maintains the operation of the integrated relationship between supply and demand.

All of these, under the capitalist mode of production, the complex system that combines machinery and administration is impossible. This complex system of machines and administration prevailed in the capitalist era and was a powerful means for capital to create profits and seek wealth. It is difficult for enterprises that rely solely on this complex system to find a way out in the Internet age.

We know that the field of production activities itself will become a larger-scale machine with the intelligentization of the Internet of Things, and exist in the form of costs and expenses. Human beings in body and mind or those workers who “do things” will definitely embark on the road of replacing human resources with knowledge, and in the functions of marketing and innovation, they will offset the cost of intelligent production and create higher added value.

Here comes the old saying, God’s to God, Caesar’s to Caesar. What machines can do, horses don’t have to do. What intelligent robots can do, people don’t have to do. With the development of the intelligent network system, human beings will gradually withdraw from this system and no longer need to work in this system.

Therefore, when intelligent robots can completely replace human beings, human beings will be with God. Scientists who peek into God’s secrets believe that God does only one thing, making rules for the vast universe.

Having said that, since robots can completely replace humans, there is no need to play tricks on humans or enslave humans. Today, the wealth in the world is sufficient to satisfy human needs, but the only thing that cannot be satisfied is human desires. In fact, many people have already entered the deep mountains and forests and lived a fairy life.

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