'Cultural Jinan Propaganda and Promotion Alliance' was established


Recently, the Jinan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism held the inaugural meeting of the “Cultural Jinan Promotion Alliance”. Experts and scholars from Shandong University Cultural and Tourism Industry Research Institute, Shandong Normal University, Jinan University, Shandong Jiaotong University and other units, Internet celebrities, and cultural and tourism bloggers participated in the inaugural meeting.

According to reports, the main task of establishing the alliance is, on the one hand, to gather resources and cooperate with multiple parties to form a “Cultural Jinan” publicity and promotion system that the whole society participates in; “story. After the establishment of the alliance, it mainly carried out construction and operation around ten aspects: First, build a “cultural Jinan” publicity and promotion system. Relying on the resource advantages of universities and related enterprises and institutions, establish a “Cultural Jinan Propaganda and Promotion Base (Site)”, carry out cultural Jinan promotion and creation solicitation activities, and form a cultural Jinan publicity and promotion network with full coverage; the second is to set up a “Cultural Jinan Lecture Hall” . Through activities such as entering colleges and universities, entering primary and secondary schools, and entering communities through lecture halls, Jinan culture is comprehensively preached; the third is to jointly build a “cultural Jinan” media center. Cooperate with local official media, official self-media of colleges and universities, self-media of enterprises and institutions, Internet celebrities, school student contact network and other publicity and promotion channel resources to do a good job in the production and dissemination of “cultural Jinan” content, and create a “cultural Jinan” IP in an all-round and three-dimensional manner; The fourth is to select and set up a “Cultural Jinan” promotion and creation studio. From the alliance units and publicity and promotion ambassadors, select Internet celebrities, students, experts, and cultural and tourism practitioners who love Jinan, are good at explaining Jinan stories, and are enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings to set up creative studios, open accounts with Jinan elements, and create and publish high-quality articles. Cultural and tourism promotion works; fifth, select and cultivate a group of self-media experts who love Jinan, are good at explaining Jinan stories, and have a large number of self-media fans such as Weibo, WeChat, Douyin, Kuaishou, etc., as publicity and promotion ambassadors; sixth, organize online celebrities Members of the cultural tourism sub-group of the visiting group carried out visiting activities such as collecting folk songs, checking in, and tracking hot spots; the seventh is to carry out the “Cultural Jinan” activity week. In universities, primary and secondary schools, communities, etc., we will carry out exhibitions, exhibitions, presentations and publicity activities related to “Cultural Jinan”; the eighth is to carry out “Cultural Jinan” publicity and explanations, cultural creativity, essays, short videos, photography and other competitions; nine is to cooperate with universities and colleges. Relevant experts and scholars carry out the construction of digital “cultural Jinan”. Carry out research on digital culture in Jinan, and release relevant cultural and tourism data reports; tenth, carry out “Cultural Jinan” forums and exchange activities. Organize experts and scholars to conduct research on the topic of “Cultural Jinan” to further explore the connotation of cultural Jinan. (Our reporter Chen Weimin)

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