Hubei Zhiguo Network Shares any practical tips for opening a through train in a new Taobao store?


All Taobao sellers do not want to make their stores bigger and stronger. If they want to get there, they have to promote it. There are many ways to promote, through train is the most common. However, Express is charged per click. If the promotion is not good, you may lose money. Below, Hubei Zhiguo Network Technology will share with you the skills of opening a through train in a new store, hoping to be useful to everyone.

1: The unit price of customers is low baby-low price drainage

Low price drainage is not only the most commonly heard method of Taobao, but also a drainage method pursued by Taobao sellers. But in fact, this drainage method is not suitable for all categories, and some babies with lower unit price are the most suitable. How to play this game? First, create a new through train plan, and set the time discount ratio as %, delivery area and platform. First set the daily limit, do not open the target and the crowd; then select keywords from channels such as through train recommendation, Taobao business personnel, search drop-down box and fill in the keywords to get more traffic; the bid is slightly lower than the industry bid. Later adjustments will be made based on data feedback. Babies with a certain weight will use this method better.

2: Effective in a short period of time - increase the premium for precise crowd

This method can achieve higher click-through rate, faster score, and shorter time, so sellers who want to see the effect in a short time can try it. There are good and bad, this gameplay is to a certain extent in ppc, it is difficult to have more room for adjustment, thus entering the bottleneck period. For example, if you use this method for a week, the ppc drops, the click-through rate increases, and the quality score quickly increases to 10 points. When the keyword bidding cannot control the planned clicks, it depends more on the crowd premium. PPC has no keyword bidding control, and it is difficult to drop below the industry or even lower.

3: Mass Play - Ordinary Driving

After the new through-train plan is created, the game should set daily quotas, delivery areas, time discounts, and crowd premiums instead of targeting. In the crowd premium, the high-quality crowd premium should be as high as possible, and other crowds can be appropriately reduced. In the early stage of the through train construction plan, the most important thing is the click rate, so the creative car picture and title are very important, and the most important car picture should be differentiated to better highlight the advantages and selling points of the baby. Keywords should be based on the cost of the daily limit. For small and medium sellers who will not invest a lot of money in the previous plan, you can choose 10-20 words that have a small display volume but can attract traffic. If you bid, according to the system recommendation, keep the position at around 10-20 and start the promotion test. Targeted groups can be opened after the data is stable and accurate.

Taobao’s new store has no traffic, no weight, and many old customers. Opening a through train is a good way of promotion, which can help us increase sales and create explosive models. However, Hubei Zhiguo Network Technology hopes that everyone will be familiar with driving skills before driving, understand the principle of through-train bidding, and do all kinds of homework before driving.

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